
Top 5 Programming languages to learn in 2021-22

Top 5 Programming languages in 2021-22

1. Python

Python is one of the best growing programming languages in 2022 because it is an open source and less lines of code programming languages. Python is high level language and has many built in libraries. Python is one of the best language to build security related software and  machines. Python used in Machine learning also.

2. JavaScript

JavaScript is one of the most popular scripting language. It used for interactive web page design for example Google, Facebook and other social media websites used JavaScript for interactive design. It used along HTML and CSS to make query and other scripting pages. It is growing very rapidly in 2022.

3. Java
Java is a well known programming language. 95% developers are mostly interact with it. Java is owned by Oracle Corporation and it works on different Frameworks. Java is high level language and support Object Orientation. Java is used mostly for mobile application development.


Scala is designed by Martin Odersky in January 2004. It was not popular language in past but now it growing and many developers across the world started implementation this language. Scala is high level language and many built in libraries. Scala has very complex features which promote coding and increase its performance. Scala supports Object Orientation.

5. Kotlin

Kotlin is also a growing programming language and Google announced Kotlin as official language for mobile application development in 2017. From 2017 it growing rapidly and developers starts moving from Java to Kotlin due to less line of code. Kotlin offers many built in libraries and frameworks. In words we can say that Kotlin is best competitor of Java.

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