
Beauty Of Kashmir | Best Places to Visit in 2021-22

Beauty of Azad Jammu and Kashmir

Azad Kashmir is the state of Pakistan and has its own self-Government. Azad Kashmir is a separate part of IOK (Indian Occupied Kashmir).  Its total area is approximatley 13270 sq.km.

There are five seasons in Azad Kashmir 

  1. Spring
  2. Summer
  3. Moon Soon
  4. Autumn
  5. Winter  

In spring there are followers in all trees which make Kashmir more beautiful. And there is no dust all is clear and beautiful. There are different types and different colors of followers. like pink rose, white rose, lilly, black rose yellow rose etc.

In summer there is little hot in deep areas but in peek areas which are in height there is very wonderful weather. And many people and tourists of Pakistan and from foreign countries visit these beautiful areas of Azad Kashmir.

In Moon Soon there are lot of rain falling in Kashmir. And Jehlum River fill with lot of water which flows from Kashmir. This water full fill the requirements of water whole year.

In Autumn there is another look of Kashmir from green to dry. All leaves of trees fallen down and tree become dry and there is no grass on field. And people try to prepare woods for winter season. 

In winter there is snow falling every where. There is lot of snow falling in those areas which are in height and less in those which are in deep. Snow covered everywhere and Kashmir shows a new white look which seems very charming.    

There are different places to visit in Kashmir:

  1. Peer Chinasi   (Muzzafarabad)
  2. Tolipeer  (Rawlakot)
  3. Chitta Khatta lake (Neelum Valley) 
  4. Ratti Gali lake
  5. Sharda   (Neelum Valley)
  6. Tao ButtGanga Choti   (Bagh)
  7. Bela  (Kanyati Dhirkot)
There are also a lot of places to visit in vacations.

Chitta Khatta Lake 
beauty of kashmir

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