
History of Programming Languages | Trending Programming Languages

History of Programming Languages | Trending Programming Languages

If you are talking about programming languages then there is a big history behind that. There are several programming languages which are implemented in the different system on regular basis. So let see which was the first language and now what is the situation in the world. In early 1951 Assembly language was introduced. This was low-level language and it converted into executable machine code through some program. Then in 1952 "auto code" was introduced from 1952 to 1957 they all were low-level languages. In 1957 FORTRAN's first compiler was introduced. Then LISP, ALGOL, FACT, COBOL, RPG, APL, Simula, SNOBOL were introduced from 1958-1962.

In 1963- CPL was introduced which converted into the new version and become BCPL in 1967. BCPL further converted into a new language known as C. Simula was the first language that supports Object Orientation. In 1972 C language was introduced it is working in different operating systems with minor changes in the program. In 1978 SQL structured query language was introduced. It is a query language that is now linked with JavaScript.
In 1990 Haskell was introduced and after that Python was introduced. In 1995 Java, PHP, JavaScript comes into the market. Java was a high-level language and support Object Orientation.
From 2000-2005 C#, D, Scratch, Scala, and F# were introduced.

From 2005-2010 power shell, GO, RUST, DART was introduced which support different functions. In 2011 Kotlin was introduced it is for mobile application development. Java was the official language for app development but in 2017 Google Announced that Kotlin is official language due to several built-in methods and classes. In 2014 Swift language was introduced. 

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